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Corporate identity development
In today's market, what you look like is just as important as who you really are. Your visual communications will tell you a lot: who your product is for, what its price category is, and what its idea is.

Corporate identity is more than just the design of the sign, business cards, employee uniforms, and car stickers. This is a single message that brings your company's values to the consumer and reflects your brand identity simply and understandably for the consumer. Your identity should resonate with your target audience and differentiate you from the competitors. Creating a corporate identity is an important stage of branding that cannot be missed.

Corporate identity helps identify your brand

The main task of corporate identity is to allow the consumer to recognize you, easily and quickly identify your product among numerous competitors. Shape and color are the simplest things for human perception, they are read many times faster than words or other abstract symbols. For this reason, identity is the most important tool for your communications. It is responsible for "recognizing" your brand.

Developing a corporate identity will help you promote your brand

The ease of recognizing visual elements plays into the hands of your promotion system. The presence of brand elements in advertising messages, retail store design and the smallest elements of communication allows you to create a unified image, link your message, values and quality of service with the brand.

Creating a corporate identity will reduce the cost of launching and promoting new products

An elaborate corporate identity embedded in the brand book speeds up the process of bringing a new product to market and reduces the cost of developing packaging and advertising layouts. Once you invest in the development of corporate identity, the headache associated with the design and support of new products is gone once and for all.

Corporate identity builds trust

Meeting a recognizable identity at every stage of their consumer journey, the client connects a positive experience of interaction with your brand, builds a strong trusting relationship with the company. This positive attitude is successfully transferred to the final product, forgives small flaws in quality, because the customer is obviously loyal to the brand.

Supports the corporate culture

Corporate identity implemented in the office interior design, letterheads, business cards, t-shirts, and stationery creates a sense of community and unity within the organization. Carefully developed corporate identity allows you to convey to employees the key values of the company and contributes to building an effective HR brand.

Corporate identity development is carried out by using a whole set of tools. These include visual and informational techniques that make it possible to properly arrange accents on the company's distinctive features and emphasize the brand's identity.

How important is corporate identity?

Corporate symbols are an essential attribute of the image. This is the foundation of the company's communication policy, the main means of fighting for the buyer, and the base of branding. Creating a corporate identity makes a brand or product recognizable. A professional approach to the development of corporate identity allows you to win the trust of the consumer, cause positive associations with the product or organization.

As a result, image improvement and increasing awareness —providing key factors for successful business development. For example, illustrating the high brand awareness achieved through the successful development of corporate identity, it is worth mentioning Beeline, which entered the top 100 largest brands in the world. There are several reasons for this success. One of them is a professionally formed color scheme, the other is graphic elements. Providing services for the development and creation of corporate identity, designers have chosen a bold combination of colors that evokes unequivocal associations. Color is perceived on an unconscious level, and the associations caused by this remain in the human memory forever. Therefore, well-chosen components of corporate identity act on the consumer extremely effectively.
Basic elements of corporate identity:
  • folder;
  • envelope;
  • business card;
  • letterhead.
Additional components of the corporate style:
  • Souvenir production;
  • uniform or workwear;
  • cars;
  • elements of street advertising.

Creating a corporate identity simplifies the development of marketing messages, fixes a positive image of the brand in the minds of consumers and ensures its recognition in the market.
– The brand's mission
– Values
– Personality (If your brand was a person, who would it be?)
– Unique positioning (How do you differ from your competitors?)
– The voice of your brand (If your brand was a person, how would it talk?)
Corporate identity
– Logo
– Typography
– Color solution
– Layout rules
– Business documentation (business cards, letterheads, envelopes, folders, notebooks, reports, etc.)
– Printed advertising and image printing products (catalogs, advertising booklets, brochures, corporate magazines, flyers, calendars, POS materials, etc.)
– Website, social media design, videos, presentations, etc.)
– Souvenir products (office supplies, gifts, souvenirs, etc.)
– Packaging (bags, labels, boxes, as well as specialized bags and boxes used for transporting the product)
– Employee uniforms
– Elements of the exterior and interior
The resources spent on creating a corporate identity pay off. Spend time developing your corporate identity and you will take your business to entirely new levels.

Corporate identity is one of the key factors for the success of your business

It will help you effectively build up from competitors and win the attention and trust of customers.

Developing a corporate identity is one of the most valuable investments of time and money that you can make for your business. Regardless of the audience, product, size, or scope of your business, your identity will increase the loyalty of your audience, and along with it, your profit.

About Z&G.Branding
Geography of projects
110 cities & 8 countries
Our advantages:
Video presentation
Our office

2009, 2010, 2015
USA Authoritative world logo catalogue

2009, 2014
Russia National Advertising Festival
AdVision awards

2008, 2010 USA,
New York International Advertising Competition
Red Apple

Russia International Advertising Festival
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